Art for the Aging

I just recently took an art class to learn how to paint with oils. It has been at least fifteen or so years since I put a brush to canvas, now walls that is a different story. I had to start from scratch and purchase all my supplies. I showed up for the two day class uncertain of what to expect and also wondering what I had gotten myself into. I arrived and started setting up my work space and immediately realized I was the youngest person in the class. Having just turned forty-two it is not like I am a spring chicken. The majority of the other “students” were seventy plus. Naturally my wheels started turning and made me realize that there must be something to this art “therapy”.
The process of creating something from nothing is very satisfying and cathartic. You can do whatever you want when creating and there truly is no right or wrong. Art therapy for seniors helps to give them something else to focus on besides themselves and all of the ailments that go along with aging. It also reduces stress, improves self esteem, and is great for socialization. The AATA(American Art Therapy Association) defines art therapy as an “integrative mental health profession that combines knowledge and understanding of human development and psychological theories and techniques with visual arts and the creative process to provide a unique approach for helping clients improve psychological health, cognitive abilities, and sensory motor functions.” This is a truth. It was like the rest of the world melted away when I was painting. Hours had passed and I didn’t even notice!
Art therapy has also been used in patients diagnosed with Dementia. Recent studies of patients being treated with art therapy regained some lost memories and their communication skills also improved. Motor skills have also showed improvement. The completion of a work of art also gives them a sense of accomplishment and provides a keepsake to the family. The calming effect of taking a brush to canvas also resonates with those suffering from dementia. Their world is in a state of disarray and they are fighting to keep composure daily. Using art therapy as a form of psychotherapy can tremendously improve mental, emotional and behavioral problems. Many seniors also mourn the loss of purpose and independence when diagnosed with dementia. Art brings back joy and helps them reconnect with happiness that existed before their diagnosis.
Art is an exploration. There are many forms and mediums beyond painting that will achieve the same goals. Dance, scrap booking, adult coloring books, and clay are different mediums to use. The possibilities are endless! We wanted them to be challenged without frustration so choose wisely. Their connection with the correct medium will reveal itself upon exposure. Classes are a great way to learn and combat loneliness. Keep it exciting and different! Celebrate the little achievements and small victories that come with fighting dementia. Don’t get hung up on the details. Just start somewhere and don’t wait for things to be perfect!
There are many great places to pick up supplies at reasonable prices. I use quite often. Once you are on their email list will you be notified of all the great sales!